I have a set of tabs that use the sliding doors technique.  The tabs
are built on an unordered list, with each tab being a list item
containing an anchor. Each tab is decorated by placing a graphic in
the background of its list item for the left part of the tab, and the
background of the anchor for the right side of the tab.  These
graphics then need to be switched out to display the "active" view.
The actual html page is not changed.  This tab navigation just
triggers the visibility of various areas of the page.

I'm trying to use jQuery to switch out the graphics.  The problem I'm
having is in selecting the list item that contains the clicked-on
anchor.  There are a number of techniques for selecting children, but
none for selecting parents.

One question I have is if there is any way to reference a previously
selected element in a jQuery selector statement.  Like this:

$(".tabs a").click(function(){
     //Now you can reference the clicked on anchor as "this"
    $(".tabs li:has(this)").doSomething();


I doubt that this is possible, I haven't tested it yet, but I can't
think of too many other options.

Any suggestions?

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