I'm working on Christian Bach's tablesorter.

I've made a widget that can select rows, and now I want to make a
widget that can delete rows, and have a callback.

The problem is the callback.

The widgets are called like this

            // give the widget a id
            id: "selectRows",
            // format is called when the on init and when a sorting has
            format: function(table)
                        $("tbody tr",table).click(function(e){
                        row = this;
            // give the widget a id
            id: "deleteRows",
            // format is called when the on init and when a sorting has
            format: function(table)
                                //add the foot
                        //add a row.
                        $("tfoot",table).append("<tr class=\"deleteRow\"><a 
class=\"deleteRows\">Delete selected entries</a>");

                                        ///I WANT A CALLBACK HERE

        widgets: ['selectRows','deleteSelected']

So, the widgets are called via a text array.  How could I add a
callback to a widget?

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