Hi there,


I hope there's someone out there who can help me with this little issue. I
have to create an overlay that is _not_ called using JS, but can be clicked
away using JS. The JS thing now isn't a problem, I simple hide it on click
using jQuery, since I already use jQuery at an other part of this web site.
But I now need the CSS to style the overlay like it is styled when using the
usual lightbox scripts and so on. Do you know how it should look like?


I am using two divs: one for the overlay background for dimming the site and
one div that's within this background div, containing the content. Now my
problems are:


a)      How can I stretch the overlay background over the whole screen?

b)      How can I make it alpha transparent for _all_ browsers?

c)       How can I vertically center the content div that's inside this
background div?


I know the lightbox scripts do this by using CSS, but how do the CSS rules
have to look like in the result?


Thanks in advance,





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