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Ticket ID: 1744-2724031742


Hello all jQuery people.
This is my first post in this list but I hope I can make sense with my

Currently I'm developing some web applications for internal use,
porting some old ones.
I'd love the jQuery-way to do asynchronous requests, so I developed a
plugin similar to Pimentech jFrame. Basicly, it "automagically"
catches all clicks on links, sends an AJAH request and loads the
response  inside a container.

The problem came when the response contains STYLE or LINK tags. Using
Firefox and Opera all was perfect, but no style was applied with IE6,
IE7, Chrome or Safari. I was thinking that was my plugin's fault, but
when I test the use case without it, the problem remains. No style

Check this simplified case without even jQuery:

        <p id="test">This is a test and should have a border around and 1ex
        <script type="text/javascript">
                var div = document.createElement('div');
                // <br/> added to avoid a bug in IE
                div.innerHTML = '<br /><style>#test { border:2px solid #000; 
1ex; }</style>';
                var span = div.getElementsByTagName('span')[0];

I thought that jQuery have workarounds to this, but I found none, so I
created a plugin to do the work.
In case I missed some jQuery functionality, please tell me. I prefer
the jQuery way.

This plugin relies on detecting whether inlined styles are processed
or not. If not, modify $.fn.html to move all style's and link's to
document.head, mark them with a 'data-style-loader' attribute and
adding a dummy link to the target. When te dummy link is removed (with
the same $.fn.html function), it removes all related style's and
link's from head.

Well, that's the code:

$(function($) {

        // Checks for some supported features
        (function() {
                var div = document.createElement('div');
       = 'jquery-support-styled';

                // Checks whether inlined styles applies automaticly (Firefox 
Opera returns true)
                div.innerHTML = '<style>#'' span { display:block; width:
3px; }</style><span />';
                var span = div.getElementsByTagName('span')[0];
                $.support.inlineStyleApplies = $(span).width() == 3;

                // Checks whether inlined styles applies if they are inside 'br'
context (for IE)
                $.support.mustPrependBrToInlineStyles = !
$.support.inlineStyleApplies && (function(){
                        div.innerHTML = '<br /><style>#'' span { 
width:5px; }</style><span />';
                        var span = div.getElementsByTagName('span')[0];
                        return ($.support.inlineStyleApplies = $(span).width() 
== 5);

        // Saves old $().html function
        var old_html = $.fn.html;

        if($.support.mustPrependBrToInlineStyles) {
                // Modify old $().html to add br before styles and links
                $.fn.html = function(_value) {
                        if(typeof _value !== 'string') {
                                _value = _value.replace(/<style|<link/gi, 
function(_text) {
                                        return '<br 
                        return, _value);

        } else if(!$.support.inlineStyleApplies) {
                // Change old $().html to move link�s and style�s to the head
                $.fn.html = function(_text) {
                        // Remove css-pointers and their pointees
                        var $styles = this.find('link[data-style-loader]');
                        if($styles.length) { clean_css($styles); }
                        // Calls old $().html
              , _text);
                        // Promote new links and styles to document.head
                        $styles = this.find('style,link[rel*=stylesheet]');
                        if($styles.length) {, $styles) }
                        return this;

                // Remove css-pointers and their pointees
                function        clean_css(_$styles) {
                        // Get pointees id
                        var st = [];
                        for(var i = 0; i < _$styles.length; ++i) {
                                st[st.length] = 
                        // Remove all links pointed
                        $('head').find(st.join(', ')).remove();

                // Promote new links and styles to document.head
                function        add_styles(_$styles) {
                        // Selects a pointer id
                        var tm = (new Date).getTime();
                        // Move to head and add attribute with pointer id
                        _$styles.attr('data-style-loader', tm).appendTo('head')
                        // Create a pointer (link inside target) that points to 
the new
links and styles
                        this.append('<link data-style-loader='+tm+' />')

I have tested the plugin with these cases:
1) <p>Default, no style</p>
2) <style type="text/css">#test { color:red; }</style>
3) <link rel="stylesheet" href="remote.css" /> and remote.css #test
{ color:red; }
4) <style type="text/css">@import url("remote.css")</style>
5) <link rel="stylesheet" href="import.css" /> and import.css @import

The plugin works ok with some exceptions.
In IE6 and IE7, case 4 fails silently. Surprisingly, 5 is no problem.
In Safari and Chrome, the style isn't removed when loading 1) after 3)
or 5). After 2) or 4) it works ok.

So, any suggestions? I hope that jQuery has something on those lines.

Thanks all for reading, and sorry for the long post.
And thanks to the jQuery Team for such a marvelous tool!
Best regards!

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