Hello, I'm having some issues using the cookie persistence, it appears that as long as the link is in the jsp directory the menu renders properly, however if the link is not in the jsp directory the cookie is set to null and when the page loads all of the trees are expanded. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the abridged version of the file that I'm using, this is included on all pages of my application. <div id="main"><a href=".">Main Demo</a> <div id="sidetree"> <div class="treeheader"> </div> <div id="sidetreecontrol"><a href="?#">Collapse All</a> | <a href="? #">Expand All</a></div> <ul id="tree"> <li><span>Customer Accounts</span> <ul> <li> <a href="/jsp/viewflightcalcrit.jsp" >Flight Search</a> </li> <%if (request.getRemoteUser() != null){%> <li> <a href="/jsp/accountselection.jsp">Customer Selection</a> </li> <%}%> <%if (session.getValue("customer") != null) { %> <li> <a href="/jsp/cards.jsp">Owner Profile</a> </li> <li> <a href="/jsp/communicationnotes.jsp">Owner Communication</a> </li> <%}%> <%if (session.getValue("customer") != null && session.getValue ("jetcard") != null) {%> <li> <a href="/jsp/viewflightactivity.jsp">View Flight Activity</a> </li> <%}%> <%if ((request.isUserInRole("OwnerServices") || request.isUserInRole("Finance"))) { %> <li> <a href="/jsp/ownerprofile.jsp?new=<%=userRegion%>">Add New Customer</a> </li> <%if (session.getValue("customer") != null && userRegion == custRegion){ %> <li> <a href="/jsp/clientcardentry.jsp">Add New Card</a> </li> <%}%> <%}%> <%if (request.isUserInRole("OwnerServices") || request.isUserInRole ("Finance")) {%> <%if (request.isUserInRole("Finance")) { %> <li> <a href="/jsp/jetcardexpired.jsp">Expired Cards</a> </li> <%}%> <%}%> <%if(session.getValue("customer") != null && (request.isUserInRole ("Finance") || request.isUserInRole("Administrator") || request.isUserInRole("Sales") || request.isUserInRole("OSManager") || request.isUserInRole("OwnerServices"))){ %> <li> <a href="/jsp/welcomecall.jsp">Welcome Call</a> </li> <%}%> <%if(request.isUserInRole("Sales") || request.isUserInRole ("Administrator")){%> <li> <a href="/jsp/index.jsp?viewdash=1">Dashboard</a> </li> <%}%> </ul> </li> <%if (userRegion == 0 && request.isUserInRole("Finance")) { //begin Accounts Block %> <li><span>Accounts</span> <ul> <%if (request.getRemoteUser() != null) { %> <li> <a href="/jsp/njaccountsummary.jsp">Account Summary</a> </li> <%}%> <%if(session.getValue("njcontract") != null){%> <li> <a href="/jsp/viewnjflightactivity.jsp">View Activity</a> </li> <%}%> <%if(request.isUserInRole("Finance") || request.isUserInRole ("Administrator")) { %> <li> <a href="/mars/jsp/brioreader.jsp">Load Brio File</a> </li> <%}%> </ul> </li> <%}%> <%if(request.isUserInRole("Administrator")){//begin Admin Tools Block %> <li> <span> Admin Tools </span> <ul> <li> <a href="/jsp/messages.jsp">Message Archive</a> </li> <li> <a href="/admin/userlist.jsp">Add/Edit Users</a> </li> <li> <a href="/admin/manageWhatsNew.jsp">Manage What's New</a> </li> <li> <a href="/loginas.jsp">Impersonate User</a> </li> <li> <a href="/admin/refreshproperties.jsp">Refresh Properties</a> </li> <li> <a href="/jsp/removeCard.jsp">Remove Card in IJ2</a> </li> <!-- <li><a href="/admin/categorylist.jsp">Category Maintenance</a></ li> <li><a href="/jsp/selecttailnumber.jsp">Edit Numbers</a></li> --> <li> <a href="/admin/displaymessagedata.jsp">SFDC Message Archive</a> </li> <li> <a href="/admin/displaymessagedata.jsp">Reset SFDC Messages</a> </li> <li> <a href="/admin/displaymessagedata.jsp">SFDC User Test</a> </li> </ul> </li> <%}%> </ul> </div> </div>