Hi all,

I think I must be making an obvious mistake, but I can't see it. I'm
trying to pass additional data to the server with getJSON, but it's
not working.

Here's my function:

$(document).ready(function() {
        $('#submit_uid').click(function() {
          $.getJSON('pwreset_proc.asp',{check_type: 'verify_uid', uid: $
('#uid').val(), ajax: 'true'}, function(json){

Here's the form, with the button referenced in the click function:

<form method="post" name="enter_uid">
ID: <input name="uid" id="uid" type="text">
<input name="submit_uid" id="submit_uid" type="button" value="Submit">

Here's the code in pwreset_proc.asp:

dim check_type, uid
check_type = request.QueryString("check_type")
uid = request.QueryString("uid")
(this is followed by an SQL query that uses the passed data)

When I click Submit, the form just fails quietly.

To see if the problem was in the asp page, I hard coded the variables,
and the page works fine. So then I tried the asp code above followed

and the page came up blank. So it appears that the data is not being
passed from the form to the asp page.

The thing is, I have used a similar function on another page and it
works fine. The only difference is that it's attached to the change
event of a dropdown rather than the click event of a button. What am I



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