
I am new to JQuery so hope I haven't just made a basic mistake.
I am trying to insert a paragraph element containing data obtained
from a .post request to a DB, into a page.
I have it working perfectly in FF but it does not work in IE.

Here is the code;
// make the request using .post and then using the returned data call
the function
           $.post(URL, { component: componentVal, start: StartVal,
end: endVal },
                }, "json");

function rftStats(data) {
    $("#dataSet li").each(function() {
        var dataName = $(this).attr("id");
        var valToGet = 'data.'+ dataName;
        var idSelector = '#'+ dataName;
        $(idSelector).append("<p>" + eval(valToGet) + "</p>");


The .append() function didn't seem to be working in IE. Therefore I
tried numerous alternatives using functions such as text(), html(),
createTextNode, etc. All carried on working in FF but not in IE.
Therefore I decided to test it in another way. I altered my coded so
that it would just append one value received back from the database.
The code became;
           $.post(URL, { component: componentVal, start: StartVal,
end: endVal },
                    $('#RFT').append( '<p>' + data.RFT + '</p>' );
                }, "json");

Again this worked in FF but not in IE.
I then tried to simplify it more but just trying to append the word
'test' to a div called test. The code became;
           $.post(URL, { component: componentVal, start: StartVal,
end: endVal },
                    $('test').append( 'test' );
                }, "json");

Again this worked fine in FF but failed once again in IE.
I then moved the simple 'test' code outside of the .post() function;
           $.post(URL, { component: componentVal, start: StartVal,
end: endVal },
                }, "json");
  $('test').append( 'test' );

This worked in both FF and IE.
Anyone go any suggestions? Can I not manipulate the DOM in the
callback function of .post?

Does anyone know how I can use the data received from the request
elsewhere in my jquery code?
I tried adding var receivedData = data.RFT; into the callback function
and then use it elsewhere but to not good effect.

There must be a way of getting data back from a DB and using it
(inserting it) anywhere on the page in IE???
Anyway I am well and truly stuck and need help so please do....

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