I have an issue with caching in the autocomplete script. The example
is the word:


This word fully typed returns a list with 5 values, but if I begin
with typing only:


and let the autocomplete fetch a number of values and after this
finish the word I get only 2 values.

I thought this might be due to the caching mechanism that caches all
values from "arbejds" which are more than what can be contained in the
cache (or maxItemsToShow). My problem is that even when I set the
mustMatch option to 1 the problem persists:

{delay: 400, minChars:2, mustMatch: 1, matchSubset: 1, matchContains:
1, cacheLength: 1, maxItemsToShow:50}

If I use:

{delay: 400, minChars:2, mustMatch: 1, matchSubset: 0, matchContains:
0, cacheLength: 1, maxItemsToShow:50}

the autocomplete simply stops returning values after the first call to
the server, ie. "arbejds" returns a list of values but typing more
letters from here doesn't.

Is all this expected behavior and if so how do I get around it?


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