I released this a couple days ago but as was discussed on a previous
thread <http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_thread/thread/
ea0e4f59bb87cf6e> there were some method naming issues and I also
wanted to add a feature that another setInterval wrapper had. Lucky I
did, because I discovered a preexisting bug which had gone unnoticed
and fixed in the new release. The plugin has been renamed along with
the methods it defines. The url for the source file has been changed
as well to mirror the naming changes. I talked up some of the features
of the plugin in the earlier thread and I've now rewritten the demo
page to explain some of that better so hopefully you enjoy.

Demo page: <http://jquery.offput.ca/every>
Source file: <http://jquery.offput.ca/js/jquery.timers.js>


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