Hi guys,

I want to display a simple "Loading..." image while my page loads.
I've got it halfway working at http://pranshuarya.com/test.html.  The
problem is that once the page gets loaded, the JavaScript
functionality in it doesn't work (even though the files are getting
loaded).  You'll know what I mean if you compare what gets loaded to
the main page (http://pranshuarya.com).

The approach I'm taking is to call the following function via <body

function loadSite(){
        jQuery.get("test.php", function(data) {
                jQuery(document).ready(function() {

So test.html loads up, displays the preloader image, fetches test.php
via $.get, and once the DOM is ready, hides the preloader and prepends
the contents of test.php to <body> of test.html.  All the JavaScript
functions are in test.html, not test.php.  Test.php contains only PHP
and HTML code.

I'm not even sure if this is the right approach to do what I want.
I'm just experimenting since I haven't been able to find any solid
documentation on it.  Is $.get the right function or should I use
something else?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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