
I am trying to use an image map with cluetip. Everything seems to work
as expected on IE 8, but the tooltip refuses to display on all other
browsers (Firefox, Chrome)
I am not a Javascript expert, could someone help out and point me to
the right direction? I also tried the plugin "stickytooltip" and the
same difference between browsers happen, is there something special
with image maps?

You could consult the result here

Here' how I initialize cluetip:

<script type="text/javascript" src="includes/js/cluetip/lib/
<script type="text/javascript" src="includes/js/cluetip/

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
 $.cluetip.setup({insertionElement: '.schedule'});
    sticky: true,
    mouseOutClose: true,
    closePosition:    'title',
    closeText: 'Close',
    arrows: true,
    hoverIntent: false,
    cursor: 'pointer',
    fx: {
                      open:       'slideDown', // can be 'show' or
'slideDown' or 'fadeIn'
                      openSpeed:  '0.5'
    // settings for when hoverIntent plugin is used
    hoverIntent: {
                      sensitivity:  1,
                      interval:     50,
                      timeout:      0

And the image map element

      <img name="schedule" src="images/stories/general/schedule.png"
width="386" height="278" border="0" id="schedule" usemap="#m_schedule"
alt="" />
      <map name="m_schedule">
        <area class="tip" shape="rect" coords="323,64,361,136"
href="#free-tooltip" alt="Open practice period"/>
        <area class="tip" shape="rect" coords="285,28,323,82"
href="#children-tooltip" alt="Children & Teenagers class"/>
        <area class="tip" shape="rect" coords="285,82,323,118"
href="#regular-tooltip" alt="Regular class"/>
        <area class="tip" shape="rect" coords="210,207,248,243"
href="#5k-tooltip" alt="Dismarmament class"/>
        <area class="tip" shape="rect" coords="247,171,285,207"
href="#regular-tooltip" alt="Regular class"/>
        <area class="tip" shape="rect" coords="210,136,248,172"
href="#regular-tooltip" alt="Regular class"/>
        <area class="tip" shape="rect" coords="173,136,211,172"
href="#regular-tooltip" alt="Regular class"/>
        <area class="tip" shape="rect" coords="136,242,174,278"
href="#4k-tooltip" alt="Advanced class"/>
        <area class="tip" shape="rect" coords="136,207,174,243"
href="#regular-tooltip" alt="Regular class" />
        <area class="tip" shape="rect" coords="173,208,211,260"
href="#beginner-tooltip" alt="Beginner class"/>
        <area class="tip" shape="rect" coords="210,172,248,208"
href="#regular-tooltip" alt="Regular class"/>
        <area class="tip" shape="rect" coords="173,172,211,208"
href="#regular-tooltip" alt="Regular class"/>
        <area class="tip" shape="rect" coords="136,172,174,208"
href="#weapon-tooltip" atl="Ken and Jo"/>
        <area class="tip" shape="rect" coords="98,172,136,208"
href="#regular-tooltip" alt="Regular class"/>
        <area class="tip" shape="rect" coords="98,208,136,260"
href="#beginner-tooltip" alt="Beginner class"/>
      <div id="tips" style="display: none;">
        <div id="regular-tooltip">Any student of the dojo with a
<i>regular</i> membership could participate in this class.</div>
        <div id="children-tooltip">Consult the <a href="http://
for active sessions.</div>
        <div id="weapon-tooltip">Class focused on study of aikido
weapons. Any student of the dojo with a <i>regular</i> membership
could participate in this class. Each student should bring their own
equipment. </div>
        <div id="4k-tooltip">Participants must be graded 4th kyu or
        <div id="5k-tooltip">Participants must be graded 5th kyu or
        <div id="beginner-tooltip">Consult the <a href="http://
for active sessions.</div>
        <div id="free-tooltip">No formal class is given. All students
are welcome.</div>

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