I ran into a problem with TinyMCE where it was in the middle of a set of form fields and the client wanted to have the tab key move them from the field before it into the editor. By default--even with tabindex set on all your form elements--both Firefox and IE will tab through all the links and dropdowns in the toolbar.

I figured I could use jQuery to get around this and I was right :-)

The short of it:
Create a callback function to use in the init() of TinyMCE that sets the tabindex attribute of the toolbar buttons/dropdowns to -1. Then, use this jQuery code to do the dirty work:

$(".mceToolbarContainer > *").attr("tabIndex", "-1");

The long of it (including the URL):

Hope someone else can use this.  Once again, jQuery saves the day!

Chris Scott
Adaptive Hosting Solutions, Inc.          | Blogzerk - blog hosting
http://www.adaptivehostingsolutions.com/  | http://www.blogzerk.com/

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