
I have 3 problems I need to solve:

1. Validate groups of input fields. I see in the example of tabs, you
can do as follows:

        // validate the other two selects when one changes to update the
whole group
        var birthdaySelects = $("#birthdateGroup select").click(function() {

However, mine is not using select, but it is using input text field.
So I modify the code into:

        // validate the other two inputs when one changes to update the whole
        var birthdayInputs = $("#birthdateGroup input").keyup(function() {

However, it is not working with the input fields. Please help to make
it works.

2. Checkbox highlight. I am using a class highlight for all the
errors. I use required checkbox, so at least 1 checkbox must be
checked. If I check the first item, then uncheck, the error message
appear and the error class highlight also successfully displayed.
However, if I check the second or the third (etc) item, then uncheck,
only the error msg appear, the error class doesn't highlight. Here is
my code:

                highlight: function( element, errorClass, validClass  ) {
                unhighlight: function( element, errorClass, validClass  ) {

3. Reset function not working. Here is my code:

        var v = $('.myForm').validate({ .... bla... bla ... bla});

        $('#resetButton').click(function() {

I figure this is caused by I am using a highlight class (see item 2

Please help me to find the solution for this. I am still learning
Jquery, but I do find it very useful.
THanks in advance for all the help.

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