when i run "this.submit();"  i submit my ajax request, so how can i
get the validate to fire on invalidHandler and submitHandler so I will
only run this.submit(); when it passes validation  ?  Currently the
validator does not validate the form at all on submit,  I need it to
cancel the submit if there are validation issues and submit if there
are none.

function submitForm(form) {


                        errorPlacement: function(error, element)  { 
(element); },
                        invalidHandler: function(form, validator) { 
failed"); },
                        submitHandler: function(form, validator) { 
passed"); },
                        rules: { title: { required: true,       minlength: 5 }


// Build Add a New Task pop up dialog
// Instantiate the Add a New Task pop up dialog
YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass('dlgAddTask', 'hideForm');
YAHOO.techdocs.dlgAddTask = new YAHOO.widget.Dialog("dlgAddTask",
        { width : "50em", height: "32em", fixedcenter : true, visible :
false, constraintoviewport : true, close: false,
          buttons : [ { text:"Submit", handler:submitForm,
isDefault:true },
                           { text:"Cancel", handler:function() {this.cancel();} 
} ]

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