I am trying to run the following code
$("#facetpicker select").livequery('change',function() {
                $("#solutions, #facetpicker").fadeOut("slow");
                $("#solutions, #facetpicker").fadeIn("slow");

The facetSelected call takes a second or two to complete.

With the javascript alert in place, it functions as expected.  (Fades
out, alert, does stuff, fades back)

If this is removed, the system pauses with the open facetpicker select
box frozen, and the browser frozen while facetSelected does its stuff,
then the screen instantly disappears then fades back. (as per the

Am I missing some sort of doevents type call where the alert currently
is ?
I have the same thing going on in several points in the code - its not
livequery causing it...maybe I don't understand the order of
processing in jQuery: if there is a good resource for me to read on
that please point me there!

Thanks in advance...


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