Sorry if the subject is somewhat hard to understand, but if I had the
proper terminology, I probably would have found an answer through

So here's the problem. Within my HTML I have the following div:

                <div id="InvoiceList">
                 <p class="trigger"><a href="#">Test Entry</a></p>
                 <div class="details">Test Details</div>

And in the script, the following jquery function:

This works fine, the div is hidden initially and I click to show it.
Now, the problem is that if I append() a new <p> and <div> to the
InvoiceList, the div is visible and clicking the link does nothing.
Here is how I append:

$("#InvoiceList").append("<p class=\"trigger\"><a href=\"#\">An
Invoice</a></p><div class=\"details\">Invoice Name: " + varInvoiceName
+ " Supplier: " + varSupplierID + "<br>Comments: " + varComments + "</

Since the append code is before the trigger functions, I would expect
jquery to see the appended content of the div and apply the .hide()
and .click() functions properly... But it doesn't!

This seems to be a general problem with append(), as I've seen the
same problem with accordion() (to which the answer was to reinitialize
it, but I don't see how this would be possible with a simple div).

What's missing that will make this work, and why is it not documented
anywhere that I can see (it's not in the jquery append()
documentation, in any case).

Thanks in advance,

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