Hello folks,

This piece of code

        if (($('#theImage').length>0)) {
            var img_width = $('#theImage').width();

follows an ajax call to bring content to an existing div...

$.get("scripts/ajax_ramosus_client_second.asp?brm="+ej +"&q=" + new Date().getTime(), function(responseText){

I don't understand why the width is always being reported as 0.

The relevant portion of the HTML being returned is...

<img src="images/ramosus/dicentra/dicentra1.jpg" id="theImage" class="pad5" alt=""><div id="sCaption" style="width: 0pt;"><br>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis in ipsum. Donec faucibus sodales lacus?</div>

Any ideas?

Is it, perhaps, that if the image hasn't loaded before the code is processed, then the width of theImage will be 0. If so, how do I code around this issue?


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