
I'm coding a jQuery plugin to draw modal windows. In this plugin, I
make animations to show and hide the modal window.
I'd like my plugin to be as much customizable as possible. So I want
the animations to be customizable also. To do this, I have one option
for the general css properties (the style of the window), one for css
properties before "showing" animation, and one for css properties
after "hidding" animation.

To make the "show" animation, I start by applying general style +
before styles (before styles overwrites general styles). Than I get
the difference between before styles and general styles,, and I use
this object as the animation properties.

To make the "hide" animation, the general styles are already applied,
I just launch an animation using the "after hiding styles" as the
animation properties.

All this works very well, but I have just one small problem : All css
properties can't be used as animation properties. And if I try to
launch an animation with a "non-animable" css property, than the
animation bugs.
So I have to filter the properties I give to the animate function, to
remove all "non-animable" properties. But to do this, I have to get a
list of "animable" css properties.

Does someone knows how I can manage to get this list ? is there
something like this in jQuery ?


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