
The jQ site says that this list is "the place" to make announcements,
so here it goes...

The past couple of days i've been working on an application for
playtesting new boardgames (a long-time hobby of mine), and it's now
at a point where it "mostly does what i want." With only about 175
lines of JS code (plus about 3 times that amount of HTML, PHP, and
CSS), i'm still slapping my forehead over simple it is to do complex
DOM-related tasks using jQuery. i didn't have to use the standard DOM
API a single time, and had no problem finding a jQuery function to do
everything i needed/wanted to do.

Here it is, in any case:


(BPI is a "working title" meaning "Boardgame Prototyping Interface")

There are, of course, many more potential features to add, but it is
currently suitable for its purpose: setting up and playtesting new
boardgame designs without having to print out the boards and pieces.

Caveat: it's only been tested in Firefox and Konqueror 3.5.7,
but it does not work 100% correctly in Konqueror because in jQ
the dblclick() callbacks are never triggered in that browser (a bug
report has been filed).


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