
I'm doing a modification on a javascript that is written for jquery
1.1 and wont work with jquery 1.3.

Heres is the shortened original code:

stars  = $("div.star", obj),
stars.lt(rating[0]).addClass("on"); //critical line that causes error

I changed the line above to:
$("div.star:lt(" + parseInt(rating[0]) + ")").addClass("on");

which seems to work with jquery but it wont apply addClass to the
proper div.star element (if there are more than 1 div.star-s in the

I'm wondering how should I change it so that it would apply properly
to the appropriate element?
Maybe something like:
>> I have no idea how to get the lt within a object (star) ?

rating[0] is just an integer with current rating value.ΕΎ

I hope someone can help me.

Many thanks in advance!

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