Additional Dynamic Input:
I have two input fields. The user types in something in the first
field, then needs to type something in the second field.  That second
field is an autocomplete and needs to send two pieces of info to the
server - the current input and the value of the first field.  Since
the autocomplete is created on the doc ready, if I try to add the
first field in the extraParams liek extraParams: {firstfield: ($
('#firstfield').val())} it sets it as the value at the time the page
loads, which is blank.  So, how do I send it the additional input?

Total results onfocus:
If I set the minChars to 0, it does not do an autocomplete on focus.
However, if I type one letter then delete it, it sends the parameter
as blank.  How can I get it to do it onfocus? (This is in the case
that the user has no idea what to type in this field, but then I would
limit what is returned as they type.)

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