Hey all.

I have an input element used for search.. eg <input id="foo"
name="foo" value="" type="text">

When the dom is loaded, I'm changing the value of this input to
'Search keyword..' and I've added an event handler for the 'focus'
event, so that the value of the input changes to blank if you focus on
it. I've tried adding a second function hoping to change the value
back to 'Search keyword..' if you click anywhere else (so the focus is
no longer on the input). The code below however isn't doing that for

$(document).ready(function() {

$('input#foo').value('search keyword...');

        $('input#foo').focus(function() {
        }, function() {
            $(this).val('Search keyword..');


Should I be using a different method? Bind perhaps? I've tried click
and get the same results as focus.

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