
I'm using the dimensions plugin. I'm using UL, LI to generate a
scrolling grid.

#datatableHead ul has my column headers
#datatable is a div that's scrollable

first I set widths for the head and scroller:
$('#datatableHead ul, #datatable').css({width: $(window).width()-20});

then I set my grid rows' width based on the scroller's width - since
its all based on viewport size.
$('#datatable ul').css({width: $('#datatable').width()});

looks perfect in IE - but in FF the width of the #datatable ul is
about 20 px bigger than in IE.

now, please don't say: "why use dimensions you should use CSS widths -
trust me I  tried all of that, it's not working.

If only i could figure out why FF renders widths differently? I
thought the whole point of dimensions plugin is to make that no longer

Thanks! (now I shall look over the list and see if I can help someone
else :P )

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