I originally saw the UI Effects button on HotAJAX (http://
and fell in love with them, but only wanted one, I decided to go with
the 'slide' one. For me, a man who cannot program code at all, its
always an uphill process, even when its all done for me. What I wanted
was the button at the bottom of the page and so to click it would give
the impression of just disappearing.

Not easy. First of all I tried hacking away at the HotAJAX code, which
had all the buttons and lots of extra files, one of which was 3000
lines long! huge, then I found that on the site the code can be
customised and downloaded:


..But I just didn't get it, then I found, what I am using, those are
the green box examples and really small code:


So what I have now is this:


It's stuck at the top left, I would like it at the bottom footer
(right at the lip of the bottom of the page), using this article
(http://www.themaninblue.com/writing/perspective/2005/08/29/) I tried
to meld the code to allow for this, but I got this its all down one
side and nothing like I want it:


To top that off I want the single button to look like the original
HotAJAX ones, but I don't know how to do that and I would like the
button to be further along the page and not the bottom left corner,
how I would like to do this is to have it a percentage along which I
think would best work to differen screen sizes, I think.

Thanks to anybody whose got time for me!

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