hi there, have a puzzling one.

i have a fairly simple function call that we use to display tooltips
over certain image elements. we put the function call in the
onmouseover attribute of the image element.
looks like this:

function CreateTip( strTipMessage ) {
<img id="img" src="/images/image.jpg" onmouseover="CreateTip( 'this is
the tooltip' );" onmouseout="ClearTip();" />

what i would like to do is to change the tooltip that is displayed
when the image is clicked. So the code becomes:
function CreateTip( strTipMessage ) {
function ChangeTip( ) {
    $( "#img").attr( "onmouseover", CreateTip( 'New ToolTip' ) );
<img id="img" src="/images/image.jpg" onmouseover="CreateTip( 'this is
the tooltip' );" onmouseout="ClearTip();" onclick="ChangeTip( );" />

this works when i click on the element - ie. the 'New tooltip' text is
displayed properly - but only if i keep my mouse pointer over the
image. my problem is that when i move the mouse off the image and
return it to the image, the OLD tooltip is displayed.

any help here would be really, well, helpful.

thanks a bunch... airyt

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