
short version: how do I exclude an element in my selector expression?

long version:

you know those checkboxes in windows where you can actuyally click the
label to check the box?

I'm recreating this with a toggle() like this:

<DIV id="CheckContainer"><INPUT type="checkbox" id="Check"/> Click

                function(){     $('#Check')[0].checked=true;},
                function(){     $('#Check')[0].checked=false;}

All fine and dandy as you click the DIV to toggle the checkbox. But
try to click the checkbox itself and the darn thing won't work.

I think the solution is in using the right sleector, like some kind
of :not or !:input or something ???
Ii DON"T want to have to add a span element around the label to assign
the click to, I'd like to just exclude the checkbox.

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