I have this code:
$('a#addPlayer').click(function() {
                $('<p><img class="remove" src="img/ui/forbidden.jpg" 
alt="Remove" \/
> <label for="playerName-'+pi+'">Player Name: <\/label><input
type="text" class="required" name="playerName-'+pi+'" \/> <label
for="playerNumber-'+pi+'">Player Number: <\/label><input type="text"
name="playerNumber-'+pi+'" class="required" size="2" \/><\/
                return false;

Then I have this:

$('img.remove').click(function() {
                        return false;

It will not register the click and write test to the console in FF.
Do I have to use .bind('click','fn')? or another method to have click
fire on dynamically added elements to the DOM?

Using 1.2.3 jQuery

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