I'm a newbie to jquery, so no flames please...I have a basic 3 column
page - nav, center and left.  That works great.  My left column is
navigation.  When I click on a link on the left nav pane, I want a
table to appear in the center and right panes - not even getting
from a database, just displaying a schedule table.  It seems pretty
easy but
I must be doing something wrong.  Here is my jquery js:

         $(document).ready(function()  {
            $('#btn-slide').click(function()  {
            return false;

Here is my nav stuff:
  <ul class = categoryitems">
  <li> #  id="btn-slide">Schedule </li>

.... Later in the code is the middle column that I want replaced with
new material when the user clicks on a nav link:
  <div class="col1" id="col1">
     blah, blah...

What am I doing wrong?

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