I have setup the cluetip plugin on my website.  I was able to get it
working when using local content, similar to the example code of $
('a.title').cluetip({splitTitle: '|'});

However, I can't get it to load an external website.  The tool tip
comes up, but it says "sorry the contents cannot be loaded".  The
external site is a servlet rendered page that loads fine if I type the
URL into a browser window.  The only differences between my code and
the example is that I'm using an image for the link and am using

<a title="Help" rel="/portlets/help.do" href="/portlets/help.do"
class="help" style="">
<img class="icon" src="/theme/images/portlet/help.png" alt="Help"/>

jQuery("a.help").livequery(function() {

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