It appears that the digits validator doesn't check it's value.  I have
a situation where, depending on the value of one field, a second field
may or may not be required to contain only digits.  The only way I can
see to achieve this within the framework would be:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $("#formid").bind("validate",function(e,validator) {}).validate({
    rules: {
      fieldOne: {required : true},
      fieldTwo: {
        required: true,
        digits: function(e) { return $
("input[name=fieldOne]:checked").val) == 'digits'; }

This should make fieldTwo always required to have a value, and
required to contain only digits if fieldOne's value is 'digits'.  But
even if I change the second requirement to digits: false; for testing
it always requires the field to contain only digits.

I'm using jQuery Validate 1.2.1

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

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