hi Friends,

i'm about to finish an old project of a specific image viewer for a
professional photographer.  The whole idea is that her work becomes her

Therefore, the pictures are displayed in "imagesets" one next to each other,
each being a line, thin or thick according to the number of images it
contain. This generates an ID-related graphic: a barcode.

Now, i'm about to be finished, but there is a bug i can't seem to nail down
and i would be very grateful if you guys could spend some of your time
helping me out.

Please first check the live prototype:

(thanks for your patience, 101 images to load !)

now, past the rudimentary preloader, you should see a grey barcode. You can
hover then click on each line to expand the image set, and see what it does.

Above, you get "keywords" summarizing her main work keywords: professional,
experimental, people (portraits), etc. If you click on them, it should
activate/disactivates the barcode (not) tagged with these keywords, thus
generating a different barcode, according to the current combination of tags

Problem is exactly there: the barcode does not quite reinitalise, or  i
don't know exactly in fact how to describe it: a grey box appears
underneath, and i don't find where it comes from. Can somebody check?

If you want to peak at the code (js and html) are available in the nice
jsbin app of remy:   http://jsbin.com/eqime

thank you very much for your help !

Alexandre Plennevaux

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