js code:
function jLinkCall(e, a, o) {
var jUrl = null, jArgs = null, obTitle = '';
 // console.info('jLinkCall');
// console.info(e);
 // console.info(a);
// console.info($(o).attr('href'));

jUrl = $(o).attr('href') + '';
jUrl = jUrl.replace(/.html/, '');

obTitle = $(o).attr('title');

// block with growl
//$('#body').growlUI('Growl Notification', 'Have a nice day!');
message: '<img src="/img/2-0.gif" />',
 css: { border: '1px solid #FFF; background: #FFF;' }})
 $.post('./json.php?p='+jUrl, null, jLinkComplete, "json")

// convert the html url to json url
// process the json object
 // oncomplete call jLinkComplete


function jLinkComplete(data, status) {
 // console.info('jLinkComplete');
// console.info(data.titleStr);
 // console.info(status);
$('body').attr('class', '').addClass(data.titleStr);

set up in dom ready
$('.tabs a').live('click', function(event, args) {
 jLinkCall(event, args, this);
 return false;

This is an issue that only is apparent in ie7  & 8 all works without issue
in other browsers - not ie 6  though (but who cares)  any ideas?

- S

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