Hi All,

I'm wondering if anyone might have any thoughts about how to go about this (via jQuery or plain js)...

I have a div with some text in it:

<div id="myDiv">This is some text</div>

I want to be able to obtain the "cursor position" if the user clicks anywhere between letters/words in the div. IE, if they click between the "h" and the "i" in "This", I want to be able to know that they clicked between letters 2 and 3 (or 1 and 2 in an 0-based array).

I don't want to try to get a cursor position in a textarea: the content will be in a div or other non-editable node. I'm not opposed to having to create an invisible textarea dynamically if that might help in some way (can't think of how it might, though).

Any ideas?


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