I've got an application developed in ASP.NET MVC using jQuery to
handle JSON requests and responses.

I use the following Javascript code to popup a dialog, send off the
request and then move the client back to the page they were on

if (confirm("You currently have a project open, do you want to save it
first?")) {
        $.getJSON("/Projects/SaveAndCloseCurrentProject", null, null);
        window.location = document.referrer;
    else {
        window.location = document.referrer;

This code works absolutely fine in Firefox, and in fact, it works fine
in IE7, at least the first time I use it. Unfortunately, when the code
is called a second time in IE7, it never even sends the HTTP request.
After a bit of experimenting I've found that if you clear the cache in
IE7 it'll work again but you have to clear the cache each time to use
it, which is of course useless. The code is executing because the
window.location redirect still works and is performed okay it is
simply the JSON request that is not.

I'd rather not disable IE7's caching features as requiring the user to
change web browser settings is of course not ideal.

Does anyone have any idea why IE7 might cache this sort of thing and
simply not send it again? I realise I send no parameters and receive
no data with this request, but I have tried putting in some dummy data
and code but unfortunately still suffer the same problem.

Hope someone can help!



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