Well I lied a little but it's $.ajax ith the datatype set to script:
             var _this = this;
             var url = "http://maps.google.com/maps";;
             var data = {

                    type    : "get",
                    dataType: "script",
                    url        : url,
                    data    :  data,
                    success    : function(){
                        _this.debug("Loaded provider script %s.", url);
                        //Do stuff
                    error    : function(xhr, status, e){
                        _this.warn("Failed to load base layer required

So everthing is fine and the script loads and I get to the successfull
callback in firebug.  However, the first line fails because an error is
thown and indeed if I put 'watch' _this in the firebug watch panel, I see
this message:

ReferenceError: __scope__ is not defined

The page keeps spinning saying it loading maps.google.com but I can see the
scripts are loaded in firebug.  One other interesting wierdness is that the
dom disappears, meaning the screen goes blank white and I can't see any info
in the firebug html window.

Any thoughts?! I lost all day to this one...

Christopher Thatcher

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