hello all,

I'm new to jQuery, and have the following need:

01. I have some divs with the same class, and inside of each, I have
two <a>, from which one will have a class "bt" and the other no class
(this is done via the user interaction)

02. the issue here is that I need to get the index of which <a> has
the class in each <div>...

I've tried the following js, but it just tells me the index for the
first one, the second one gives me a "-1" (but as you can see, it is

the js:

        alert($("a", $(this)).index($('.bt')[0]))

the html:

<div class="botoes">
<a href="#" class="bt">teste</a>
<a href="#">teste2</a>
<div class="botoes">
<a href="#">teste</a>
<a href="#" class="bt">teste2</a>

help please! (is there any other way to do this?)

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