heres the deal, I've got some jq that looks for any <a> with a class
of .rollover , and its replacing the images of ALL of the images with
a surroudning <a> with a class of .rollover. Any ideas?

<script type="text/javascript">

     function() {
      curr = $(this).find("img").attr("src");
        overlen = curr.length;
        over = curr.substr(0, overlen-12);
        over = over+'_over.gif';
      $(this).find("img").attr({ src: over});
     function() {
      $(this).find("img").attr({ src: curr});

          temp = this.src;
          prelen = temp.length;
          pre = temp.substr(0, prelen-12);
          pre = pre+'_over.gif';
          preload_image_object = new Image();
          preload_image_object.src = pre;

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