Hi, I have a page that is constructed with fixed 'navigation menu' (list of
<a href=""/>) and 'main content' block (<div id="#containter">welcome
text</div>). Actually when user clicks on an item of the menu, the
correspondent remote fragment is injected into 'main content' block and the
appropriate url hash is added to the main url (means,
http://mainURL#nameofitem). It's done with the help of ajaxify jquery plugin
now.  It seems that it follows the

I have the requirement to allow users to save pages and look them offline.
Thus it seems that i will have a problem with this.  If user will try to
save the page with the hash added, there may be a problem with
1) 'already existed' page on the disk, if browser doesn't recognize that
pages differs by  hash
2) if the page is opened in offline, ajax script won't load the actual
content (that corresponds to the hash).
3) even if we have saved the overall content (all pages) on the disk, some
browsers will fail with the loading and injected fragments from the disk.
The error might look like 'can't use ajax to load from disk', or 'security

The first solution is to have separate links (print, save) for each page.
Second one is to have a special plugin, for example, some special code to
load (check) the fragment to local cache first when doing a ajax request,
and have a ability to automatically save the cache into certain  folder
(like  /js, /img, /css under ) with the data when do "SAVE AS" page action.

Do you know such a plugin or solution  on the matter?

Best regards,
    ~ Xasima Xirohata ~

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