[jQuery] jCarousel -help with new skin

2008-10-27 Thread Black2Night
I'm creating a new theme for the jCarousel component that I'll be using for my web site and the dimension for this component will be: width:485px , height:161px including the two arrows and what i want is to have 3 items per cycle each having the a dimension of 140X100 (width X height) with 5px ma

[jQuery] jCarousel -help with new skin

2008-10-27 Thread Black2Night
I'm creating a new theme for the jCarousel component that I'll be using for my web site and the dimension for this component will be: width:485px , height:161px including the two arrows and what i want is to have 3 items per cycle each having the a dimension of 140X100 (width X height) with 5px ma