Hi, I got some buttons to show the prev/next image or to close it 'cause it is allready big, in front of the others and draggable.
This code works in every browser except for IE. IE doesn't go through the function of animate(). so he doesn't remove the div and the first image doesn't get visible. I don't get why. maybe someone can see the mistake or whatever. I'll be thankful about every help or ideas. The code of my close button (all 3 buttons got this code): $(".close-button").one("click",(function() { //remove array for this image imageindex.splice(j); j--; if (!$.browser.msie && !$.browser.opera) { canvas_stop(); } //image in the background $(this).parent("div").parent("div").css("zIndex",900); //text $(this).parent("div").prev("div").css({display:"none"}); //button $(this).parent("div").css({display:"none"}); //animate image to original height/width $(this).parent("div").parent("div").animate({width:originalwidth, height:originalheight, left:positionleft, top:positiontop, padding:"0px"}, "slow", (function() { //cloned image visible $(this).next().css({visibility:"visible"}); //remove div bildkasten $(this).remove(); e=0; z=0; })); }));