
I'm currently developing a website and want to use jCarousel from
sorgala.com (http://sorgalla.com/jcarousel/). It use jQuery ver.
But on same page, I use accordion menu that use mootools ver. 1.2.
At first, there is a conflict and the accordion menu didn't work.
After some searching and reading, I add '<script type="text/
javascript">jQuery.noConflict();</script>' after the definition of the
jCarousel (the script definition of accordion menu is above
I'm glad that the problem solved.
But now I just figured that I still have problem when displaying my
site in IE 6.0 (previously I use Firefox). At first the carousel is
working, i can click next several time but then it stop. Can't click
next or previous. It seems like the carousel is freezing.

Is the jQuery still conflict with mootools ? How to solve this ?

Thank you.


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