
First of all, I need to get this working without touching markup. I
really can't, only in very extreme cases.

I'm loading jquery at the bottom of the body and script.aculo.us is on
the head section.
The main problem is:

(I'm using jQuery.noConflict() and even tried myJq =
normally a jQuery('img',document.body) will return an object (Array)
filled with the image elements.

now, In the current page I'm stuck the jQuery('img',document.body)
returns also an object but object[0] is a HTMLImageElement and this
object also is an array that has all the image elements, so as you can

jQuery('img',document.body).each() iterates over only 1 element and
its the HTMLImageElement, and worse than that actually any query like
jQuery('a') returns an array with 1 element and this element has all
the desired elements.

Please help me, is this documented? I can't find anythign about
conflicts between both libraries.
If I remove (I repeat this is a test, in the real thing I can't remove
that) the script.aculo.us <script> everything is back to normal.

HELP! :( please

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