is it possible to passed the jQuery object a variable with the the js
functions for example?
I'm having problems with jQuery. I have an img that on click it runs
this function however nothing gets hidden or shown.

I have the following in my page header

function hide_Show(RegionID)
   var $jQuery = jQuery.noConflict();
//Icon that is clicked
   var objectClickedID = '#' + RegionID + '_img';
//Region to hide
   var objectID = '#' + RegionID;
      $jQuery(objectClickedID).click(function() {
        if ($x(objectID).style.display =='none') {
and my img is as following

<img id="show_hide_img" onClick ="hide_Show('show_hide'):" alt="Click
here to expand/collapse this section" style="cursor: pointer;"
src"plus.gif" />and my region that I want to hide is
<div id="show_hide">Hide this</div>I know you might say that I could
just hard code the div ID though I have a lot of divs and they img's
need to hide specifc divs.

Thanks for your support.

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