I'm working on a plugin that basically creates form elements, it's
called like this:

                type: 'select',
                id: 'selectBox',
                cssClass: 'form-item',
                name: 'select',

This would then append a select box within the form.  If I want to add
more inputs, I have to repeat this code.

I was wondering if there is a way that I could call it like this:

                type: 'select',
                id: 'selectBox',
                cssClass: 'form-item',
                name: 'select',
                type: 'select',
                id: 'selectBox2',
                cssClass: 'form-item',
                name: 'select',

So that I don't have to repeat $('#form').formBuilder for every item,
as it's redundant.

Any help would be great! Thank you.

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