I've recently updated my jVariations plug-in (not sure if anyone was using
the old version). It is a developer tool that allows you to toggle
variations (aka corner cases) on a single HTML page. Useful for rapid
visualization of code changes... before weaving in the real DHTML calls or
handing files over to server-side engineers.


What's New:
- Supports chaining!
- Ability to override default onShow and onHide functions
- Ability for a single variation to require multiple variations
- Required variations (if hidden) are highlighted and selected automatically
- Control panel HTML/CSS now works in IE6

Unless there's a major bug I'll probably put development on hold for a
while. The next version, r3, will likely contain the ability to more easily
customize the control panel title, colors, position and size... this assumes
people actually find this plug-in useful and would like that functionality.
Perhaps sooner than that I may create a better example/demo page...
distilled from a real-world example.

Comments and feedback welcome!


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