Perhaps this is a non-standard way to use jqModal, but I use it pretty
much exclusively for dynamic form popups.  My modal DIVs are
dynamically generated and have iframes for content.

My use case is:
1) open Modal_1 (generates a div with id="div_order" containing an
iframe with id="if_order")

2) close Modal_1

3) open another new copy of Modal_1 (page now has two iframes with

4) try to refer to $("#if_order") and you get one confused browser
(Firefox) and plenty of "undefined"s ...

My problem arises because close() uses jqmHide() which does not
destroy/remove any of the modals it is done with.

Is there a way to make jqModal destroy a modal and its associated
stuff, rather than leaving all the now useless garbage cluttering up
the DOM?

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