
Please consider the code below. It should open a modal everytime a
link of a given class is clicked. But... it does not.

//get the url of the link clicked
var url;
  url= $(this).attr('href');

//initiate the modal box
  ajax: '@href',
  trigger: false;
  onHide: function(h) {
    url = url + 'removeSession/edit/';//remove session
    h.o.remove(); // remove overlay
    h.w.fadeOut(0.88); // hide window

//now display the modal
  //return false;

When a link of class .edit is clicked, the overlay covers the page for
an instant, then a redirect occurs to the page that should be loaded
in the modal box (instead of the page being loaded in the modal).

It's probably a small mistake as I can get it working the way I want
using jqm 'trigger:a.edit'. The problem with this approach is that I
lose the livequery power (links from ajax loaded content won't fire

Thanks in advance for your help.


-jj. :)

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