I'm sure someone out there has done a login via ajax.  What's the
securest way to pass a username and password into the server.

Currently, I have the case where a user desires to register for an
event.  If the user is not logged in, he/she is presented with a login
form that has a "Register for this Event" and hidden fields with event
info, etc.  If the user authenticates properly, there will be no issue
and I'd be able to log the user in and register that user for that
event.  However, if the user mistypes his/her password, I have an
issue.  So, I'd have to take the user to another login form, retain
all the "desired action" information (this could be something other
than event registration) and continue this until the user
authenticates properly.  However, if I can authenticate that user
before I have to take them away from that inital form, I can just keep
them there until they authenticate properly, then move ahead once they
do.  Is an ajax submission even the way to go?

I'm looking for ideas out there from you wonderful developers.

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