I have a div with a textbod inside of it. When both of these lose
focus, so the focus is not on either of them, then I want the div to
move. How would I write the code that if both of these lose focus,
THEN do whatever i want.
I just want to know how to have 2 selectors, and when both of them
lose focus, then do something.

Ami gave me this code but it doesn't seem to be working, can someone
help me out?

var divFocus=false,textareaFocus=false
$('div').focus(function () {divFocus=true}).blur(function()
$('textarea').focus(function () {textareafocus=true}).blur(function()

function doSomthing()
if (!divFocus && !textAreaFocus) alert('There is no focus on the

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