
I'm currently trying to use JQuery to navigate through OWL (type of
xml) files, it works quite well but I do have a problem with
traversing :
for a fragment like this:
        <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#hasColor" />
        <owl:cardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</

the regular syntax seems to use the localName of the node (not
namespaced) to fetch:
$('subClassOf') gives results

this goes completely wrong however when adding more complex selectors,
basically child specifications nor attribute specifications seem to
work, I'm currently handling it with xx.filter(function(){....}) but
if anyone knows a solution to the problem please let me know. What
I've tried so far:
$('subClassOf Restriction') no results
$('subClassOf > Restriction') no results
$('subClassOf owl:Restriction') no results
$('subClassOf owl\\:Restriction') no results
$('subClassOf > * ') gives me the results (array of restrictions)

$('onProperty') gives results but not:
etc etc

any ideas? any help is appreciated.

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